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Animation from Motion Capture

Session Chair: Michiel van de Panne
(University of British Columbia)

1. Motion Texture: A Two-Level Statistical Model for Character Motion Synthesis
Yan Li, Tianshu Wang, Heung-Yeung Shum

Link To Paper (PDF, 1.8MB)

2. Motion Graphs
Lucas Kovar, Michael Gleicher, Frédéric Pighin

Link To Paper (PDF, 0.4MB)

3. Interactive Motion Generation From Examples
Okan Arikan, D. A. Forsyth

Link To Paper (PDF, 0.8MB)

4. Interactive Control of Avatars Animated With Human Motion Data
Jehee Lee, Jinxiang Chai, Paul S. A. Reitsma, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard

Link To Paper (PDF, 7.7MB)

5. Motion Capture Assisted Animation: Texturing and Synthesis
Katherine Pullen, Christoph Bregler

Link To Paper (PDF, 0.4MB)